Episode 5: How to Surmount the Fear to Start Your Business in 10 minutes.

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The word fear has been overemphasized in the course of this series. Yet, the need for a detailed look at it is necessary and is very important to the making of this series worthwhile and rewarding.

From my experiences so far, I have discovered that fear creeps in where there is a set focus. When everything’s in place and you’re just about to take the step. It is that voice that laughs at you and reminds you that smarter people who embarked on the same journey have failed countless times.

In this episode, we will bring to light all the possible causes of fear that can obstruct your career or business pursuit and the irrefutable ways of overcoming them.

The Cause of Fear.

Fear is disastrous and will hinder you from being the genius you are meant to be. It tends to come to us naturally when there’s a focus. When your vision has been made clear-cut. When you have that Action plan equipped.
Unsurprisingly, fear comes with tension. It gives you a thousand reasons why you will go belly up, why your friends won’t fancy the idea, why your editor will reject the manuscript, why the idea is a basic mess, and why your plan won’t work.

When you gradually cultivate fear and wonder, take a look at the reasons why fear tends to build up in a person or his business and career pursuit.

Fear tends to build up when:

You Have a Definite Purpose

It is very common to feel nervous when a definite target is set before you. Have you realized that it is always on the examination or project defense day, that you discover how vulnerable you are to fear? Raise your hands if you’re a fan.

You’ve Written That Business or Career Plan

You may have nursed a brilliant business idea all this while without a drive for action. But immediately the plan is written and everything is ready, then there comes an intense propensity to start harboring fear in the form of a biased and questioning mind. “Will this work?” you keep asking yourself. Many people did this and failed, why will mine be an exception?

You’ve set a Target with a Time Limit

Time creates tension because every single tick is irreversible. Sometimes I go to the living room and sit quietly while I listen to the tick of the clock. As I watch and listen to every tick, tension tends to build inside of me. My subconscious relays back to me that every tick of that clock at the time I sat, was irreversible and that time wasted cannot be regained.

This especially happens to me when I have an ongoing project at hand. It happens to everyone. When you’ve set or have been assigned a fixed time to accomplish a goal, the fear of not maintaining the tempo, tends to build.

You Are Not Confident In Your Plan
This is simple. When you are not confident in your plan, you can’t make the move. Even if you try, you do so in fear and unsettledness of heart. When you don’t even trust yourself and the plan you’ve written, fear is bound to creep in.

You Listen To the Wrong Fellows

 Now, this is very important. Listen to the fearful and they inject fear in you, listen to the bold and they boost your bravery.

People Are Expecting Much from You

When all eyes are on you, how do you feel? Even though you feel awesome, there’s tension building up because you don’t want to fail them. The very day I defended a project, I fathomed what it felt like to have people expect much from you.

Even though everyone wants to make his big break soon enough, it’s not always easy to be a success. Being successful demands higher expectations from the people around you, and when people look up to you, you fear whether you will disappoint them.

“The toughest thing about success is that you’ve got to keep on being a success. Talent is only a starting point in business. You’ve got to keep working on that talent” 
– Irving Berlin.

You focus on the heat of success
Fear robotically sets in when you focus on failure, so, it is best to focus on the will to succeed than the heat it takes to get there.
Remember that, a shattered focus is a shattered future

Now you know that fear can utterly ruin your business or career, you’ve got to understand that it is not a thing to be played with. Do you have fear about your career or plan? Do you ignore it and remark that “it’s just some fetish feeling, which will fade soon.” Am afraid, you are making a risky mistake that can cost you your business, career or life pursuit.

When fear creeps in, it does that in silent mode, but if you don’t take cognizance and tackle its cause, it will cost you your entire life’s dream and this time, in beast mode.

How does it accomplish this?

  •                 It gradually gets your focus shattered
  •               You begin to doubt your plan
  •               You disbelieve your potential for success
  •               You start seeking too many opinions from the wrong people.
  •               You become unable to make a definite decision, as you tend to consider too many variables.
  •             You consequently become stagnant and unable to progress.

When you notice these things, get alert because you may have been captured.

"Fear is the foe that forbids your fabulous future from flourishing."

But of course, that’s if you let him in.

So, What Should You Do When Fear Comes?

Don’t let him in, and don’t play with him.

No one is fear proof. It comes even to the most influential and successful people because, “ To whom much is given, much is expected.” When people expect much from you, when you have many people to please, fear automatically sets in, in the form of confusion (A shattered focus) – very dangerous. So if it’s going to come, you need to be prepared and armed.

Here Are 4 Quickest Ways You Can Remedy Your Fear in Only 10 Minutes

  •                   Don’t let it in, in the first place
  •                  Recognize it when it comes
  •                  Find time to meditate – This gives you the preternatural ability to clear your soul and configure your subconscious on what to and what not to believe.
  •                  Phone a witty friend – crack some jokes to get over yourself.

Here are other things you can as well do to overcome your fear
  •                  Ditch the wrong fellows.
  •                  Create a team of like-minded persons – builds your confidence.
  •                  Find a good mentor – your guide through the stormy gale.
  •                  Stop reading – This may be a hard one, but too many opinions only confuse you. Better still, consult your mentor.
  •                  Give yourself a break – go have fun a while.
  •                  Take a walk
  •                  Focus on the benefits of starting rather than the fear of losing.
  •                  Practice and prepare.

As you memorize the list, keep in mind that fear is the dreadful foe that forbids your progress. You don’t want to give it a chance. Follow these steps to find yourself, taking more control of your business and career. Take note that a mind free from fear is a mind ready to rule.

Not yet a subscriber? I must tell you, there’s much knowledge to share.

What other causes of fear are there? In what other ways have you overcomed the fear to pursue your career? Share with us in the comments below.

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